Syeda Maham Fatima
After the recent attacks in Paris, I deem it's extremely bizarre to note the dramatic increase in the backlash on Muslim communities especially those living in western societies. Whenever I attempt to read online journals and articles I'm embarrassed by news which revolve around harassments and assaults on Muslims. This has left me wondering why media has failed to counter such attacks with the same force which promotes Islamophobia.
A lot of material published online or presented by some other media, be it television, radio or newspapers; especially nowadays, is rather promoting hatred. Media as well as, certain so-called scholars are bent upon promoting ethnic and religious chauvinism presenting NISIS (Non-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) in the image of Islam. Malcolm X has stated: “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” It is unfortunate to note how some people easily get influenced by such media around and, taking the wrong picture of Islam, hurt the followers of this religion either physically or verbally.
What is to be considered extremely surprising is that the same people are more than willing to use force and violence blindly rather than use their energies and time on researching Islam using primary sources. If they do so, they would be surprised to know that the NISIS is doing quite the opposite of what Islam teaches, and by doing what it is doing it is tarnishing the image of Islam.
Islam strongly enjoins upon its followers to give equal rights to every human beings, be it right to live or right to practice one's religion. It teaches us that killing one innocent person equals killing of the entire humanity.
In this simple settings, NISIS is clearly seen standing in the wrong direction. They have deviated from the teachings of Islam. Imam AliAS has said "People are of two kinds: They are either your brothers in religion or equal in creation" (Peak of Eloquence, letter #53). Especially now, it's important to know about Islam from its Primary sources.
Again on this issue, the internet being a hub of fake information, should not even be the last option to seek knowledge on religion. It is very well known that terrorist organizations such as NISIS have political interests rather than religious ones. No religion promotes violence, be it Islam, Christianity, Jew, Sikhism, Hinduism or Buddhism etc.
This clearly contrasts with NISIS ideology: "Follow our ways or get killed". NISIS is naturally a born enemy of all major religions of the world and a threat to their followers. How can Muslims themselves be victim of an organization or movement who considers itself as an ambassador of Islam? They are targeting Muslims to isolate them. Nevertheless, Christians are also cruelly treated by this organization.
It is no less important to say that NISIS is a collective enemy of all religions of the world and it has become essential for everyone, regardless of religious, geographical or cultural bias, to unite in order to crush terrorists and their diabolical ideology. NISIS is an enemy of every single human being who is a true promoter of peace and prosperity. To win the battle against this brutal machine, we all Muslims, Christians, Jews etc. should stand united.
Global Unity
In this simple settings, NISIS is clearly seen standing in the wrong direction. They have deviated from the teachings of Islam. Imam AliAS has said "People are of two kinds: They are either your brothers in religion or equal in creation" (Peak of Eloquence, letter #53). Especially now, it's important to know about Islam from its Primary sources. Islam strongly enjoins upon its followers to give equal rights to every human beings, be it right to live or right to practice one's religion. It teaches us that killing one innocent person equals killing of the entire humanity.
The writer is Rayerson University student